What is Cloud Storage Advantages and Best cloud backup solutions for small business

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What is Cloud Storage | Advantages of Cloud Storage | Best cloud backup solutions for small business | cloud backup for small business | Offsite server backup solutions for small business | small business backup solutions | server backup solutions for small business

Cloud Storage is a type of storage on which data can be stored on a remote server which can be accessed anytime and anywhere through the cloud (internet). Data on cloud storage can be maintained, managed and backed up even remotely from the server. Cloud storage is charged by the user on a monthly basis or per consumption rate.

Why cloud Storage best backup solutions for small business ?

Large data centers are used for cloud storage, which physically store data and make that data available to people through the Internet. User can upload or download his data remotely. Cloud storage is very cost effective and better. On cloud storage, the user pays only as much charge as the space he occupies.

Cloud storage also allows you to share your content with other users or members of your company. You can also give others permission to read or edit shared files. The data stored in the cloud storage is secured and protected from hackers by a combination of strong passwords so that no unauthorized person can access the files you have shared or uploaded.

Types of cloud storage.

Personal Cloud Storage
Public Cloud Storage
Private Cloud Storage
Hybrid Cloud Storage

Cloud backup solutions for small business

Cloud storage is an online data storage service model in which any computerized data is stored in the server computer of the data center located in a remote location, which allows us to upload, download and manage it online from anywhere.

List of company that provides Cloud Storage

Google Drive
Microsoft Onedrive
Amazon Drive
Next Cloud
Open Drive

How cloud storage works ?

There is a big company that provides Cloud Storage. The one who gives this service. For this, all these companies have their own big data centers where many high end server computers are installed, whose data storage capacity is very high. These data centers are connected to the Internet network and their storage space is sold in the form of cloud storage, which is bought by a normal user to large companies, banks, etc., in return for which the cloud storage provider company takes rent.

Why cloud storage is safe and secure ?

All the companies already keep many different backups of the data instead of keeping it in only one data center. If for some reason someone’s data disappears from one place, then the user does not even know and their data is accessed from another place, due to which their data always remains live on the Internet. Along with this, all these companies also take the responsibility of keeping the data protected.

Server backup solutions for small business

Whatever means we have to store data such as Hard Drive, SSD, Flash Drive, etc., only a limited amount of data can be stored in it. Also, the biggest risk in keeping data in all these mediums is that if it crashes due to any reason, then all our important data may disappear completely. To get rid of all these problems, an online data storage platform called Cloud Storage has been created.

Arrange in ascending order the units of memory TB, KB, GB, MB


Answer: (C) TB>GB>MB>KB 

Which one of these stores more data than a DVD?

A) CD Rom
B) Floppy
C) Blue Ray Disk
D) Red Ray Disk
Answer: (C) Blue Ray Disk

What is specific purpose software?

Specific purpose software are designed to perform specific tasks. Their use is specially made keeping in mind the needs of the consumer, 
this type of software is generally expensive because it fulfills all the requirements of the consumer. Example-
Accounting software
Billing System
Hotel Management System
Payroll Management System
• Report Card Generator
• Reservation System

What is General Purpose Software?

General purpose software is designed keeping in mind the everyday needs of the user, 
these programs instruct the computer to perform simple tasks.
Database Management Software
Desktop Publishing Software
Graphics software
• Multimedia Software
Presentation Software
Word processing software

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