35 Short Tricks to increase work Productivity on computer using short trick

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Helpful keyboard shortcuts in the Windows 10 | How to increase work Productivity using short trick | How to increase typing speed in computer using short trick | 30 Easy Ways to Boost Your Productivity | How to increase productivity in the workplace | ways to increase productivity in a business | How to increase work Productivity on computer using short trick | Short Tricks to increase Laptop Productivity

The Most Important Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

If you are working in an office like bank, collage, school, manufacturing or service based industry , then you have to increase the speed of working on the computer, then you need to know the shortcut keys of the computer. With these computer shortcut keys, the speed of your computer work will increase and your computer work can be easy. Computer and Laptop short office staff should be familiar and fast work.

This Computer’s shortcut keys can increase the speed of every business man on computer work.
This Computer’s shortcut keys are for every collage student, so that every student can write their collage report fast.

Employees should know this short cut key tips and trick

ALT + Tab = Switch Window Screen
Ctrl+F5 = Clearing the Cache
Windows+Up/Down = Window Minimize and maximize
Windows+T = Move in Bottom side icon
Ctrl+T = Open new tab in Browser
CTRL+Shift+T= Re-Open Close Browser tab
Ctrl+Tab = Switch tab in Browser
Ctrl+W = Close all Browser tab and Close the currently open Browser Tab
CTRL+Shift+N= Open Private Browser Tab
ctrl+shift+delete = delete browsing history shortcut

Window + L = Lock your PC or switch accounts
Windows key + S = Open Search
Windows key + M = Minimize all windows
Windows key + R = Open Run dialog box.

Computer shortcut keys

Windows+D = all Windows Minimise
Windows+CTRL+D = Open New virtual desktop windows
Windows+Tap = Show All virtual desktop windows
Windows+ALT+R = screen record shortcut in windows
Windows+G = check screen record Window
Windows+X = Shod down the Laptop and computer and press 3 time U
windows + left arrow = Use split windows screen shortcut
Window+R = Pressing R with the window key opens the Run command.
Shift+Del = Any file can be permanently deleted by pressing the Delete key along with Shift.
Ctrl+Shift+Space = Taskbar can be opened directly by pressing these 3 keys together.
Ctrl+alt+delete = Many tasks like restart, logoff, shutdown, sleep and taskbar.
Alt+Space = Through this command, tasks like Minimize, maximize, restore, close can be done.
Window + L = This command is used to lock the computer.
Window + E = Used to open My Computer Explorer

Improve work performance on computer Using shortcut keys

Ctrl + A = (Select all) to select the entire text
Ctrl + B = (Bold) To make the selected text bold
Ctrl + C = (Copy) To copy the selected text
Ctrl + D = (Font) to open Font Window
Ctrl + E = (Center) To center the text
Ctrl + F = (Find) to find a word (Find)
Ctrl + G = (Go To) To go directly to a line or page
Ctrl + H = (Replace) to replace a word
Ctrl + I = (Italic) Text to Italic
Ctrl + J = (Justified) To justify the text
Ctrl + K = (Hyperlink) To go to Insert hyperlink
Ctrl + P: Print()
Ctrl + R: Reload / Right alignment()
Ctrl + S: Save()

Windows key + R = Run menu
Windows key + E = Explorer
ALT + Tab = Switch between windows
ALT + Space + X = Maximize window
CTRL + Shift + Esc = Task Manager
Windows key + Break = System properties
Windows key + F = Search
Windows key + D = Hide/Display all windows
CTRL + C = Copy
CTRL + X = Cut
CTRL + V = Paste

Thing to know before buying a laptop : best CPU model for laptop and computer.

i5-1240U = using only low power task like use only for google chrome, Exeal
i5-1240P = P denote by using For powerful task like photoshop, coding
i5-124050H = H denote by using For High powerful task like high level game play
, use high level video editing software, use high level Coding

How to increase employee productivity using short trick ?

Whenever we work in the computer, we want our work to be completed as soon as possible and we want it to take less time to work, but for this we need to be the master of the computer and we need to know the shortcut keys of the computer. And we should have complete knowledge of them, with the help of which we can complete our work as quickly as possible with the help of keyboard shortcut keys, let us know the shortcut keys up to A to Z with control –

How to increase staff productivity using short trick ?

In today’s era, computers and laptops are used by almost everyone. And they are being used in every organization and field, even in domestic work they have started using computers or laptops. So today in this post of ours we will tell you about computer shortcut keys.

Ctrl+A = To select the entire page at once
Ctrl+B = To make the text bold
Ctrl+C = To copy text
Ctrl+D = To change the default font setting
Ctrl+E = To center the text
Ctrl+F = to find
Ctrl+G = To go directly to a page or line
Ctrl+H = To replace a word
Ctrl+I = To italicize text
Ctrl+J = To justify the paragraph
Ctrl+K = To put a hyperlink on the page
Ctrl+L = To left align text
Ctrl+M = To increase the indent
Ctrl+N = To create a new file
Ctrl+O = To open the file
Ctrl+P = To remove print
Ctrl+Q = to end indent
Ctrl+R = To write aligned text
Ctrl+S = To save the file
Ctrl+T = To increase the handing indent on the page
Ctrl+U = for underline
Ctrl+V = To page text
Ctrl+W = to close the file
Ctrl+X = To cut text
Ctrl+Z = Undo

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